The Specs feature in Open Cloud MDM empowers you to define the necessary metadata to support dynamic attributes within the physical Open Cloud MDM system. These dynamic attributes are not hardcoded into the object or data model, offering flexibility for customization.
Specs find application in various areas, including the Party demographics feature and the product domain, where they play a pivotal role in facilitating the support of highly dynamic and adaptable custom data models.
In the context of Open Cloud MDM, Specs refer to a specific type of metadata used to outline extensions to class entities within the physical data model. It's important to clarify that "Specs" in this context is not an abbreviation of "specifications." Instead, Specs define the hierarchical structure of dynamic attributes, specify their types, and provide additional related metadata through the utilization of XSD (XML Schema Definition) technology. The variable data associated with Specs is stored as XML columns within the database.
The entire process of defining and managing Specs, along with their related metadata such as Specs Formats and Specs Format Translations, is facilitated through the Open Cloud MDM Workbench. Once defined, these Specs can be deployed to an Open Cloud MDM instance, and their management is supported by a set of administrative services designed for this purpose. This approach enables the system to easily adapt to dynamic data requirements and provides a framework for efficient management of custom data models.
About OCMA - Open Cloud MDM Alliance
OCMA is an innovative collaboration among a diverse array of pioneering companies and customer-focused software vendors. Their collective mission is to establish the 'Hub and Dock Open Industry Standard for Master Data Management (MDM)'.
About HubDock
HubDock, as the legal entity representing the ecosystem and maintaining the platform, is integral to OCMA. It leads the essential initiative, 'Hub and Dock Open Cloud MDM'.
This stakeholder-driven ecosystem liberates businesses from the complexities of traditional business software, offering seamless integration, data consistency, and community-driven innovation to empower companies in the digital age.