Core Feature Overview - Party Domain

The "Party domain" is a fundamental component that focuses on managing data related to various entities, including customers, vendors, and suppliers. The primary objective of this domain is to maintain a single, consistent version of this data. Here are key points regarding the Party domain:

The central entity within the Party domain is a "Party." Each party is considered unique and is stored only once in the system. This uniqueness ensures that there is a single, authoritative source of information for each party.

Party Roles: While each party is unique, it can play one or more roles within the system. These roles could be related to the party's interactions or engagements with the organization. For example, a customer party may also play the role of a member in a loyalty program.

Relationships: Parties within the Party domain can have relationships with other objects or entities. These relationships could include contracts, physical locations, or associations with other parties. For instance, a customer party may have a contractual relationship with the organization, and their relationship may also be linked to specific physical store locations.

Brief Overview of Core Features

Address Management

  • Description: Ensures unique and accurate address data for entities.
  • Use Cases: Data accuracy, consistency, and supply chain interoperability.

Aggregated Party View

  • Description: Manages duplicate party profiles and provides aggregated views.
  • Use Cases: Preventing duplicates, managing diverse profiles.


  • Description: Comprehensive tool for marketing campaign management.
  • Use Cases: Marketing campaigns, audience targeting, content management.

Consent Management

  • Description: Consent Management enables the capture and administration of user consents in compliance with data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA. It handles diverse consent scenarios, such as marketing preferences, parental consent for minors, and data sharing preferences.
  • Use Cases: Consent items consolidate details like consent status, data subject, and constraints on personal data or processing purposes.

Financial Profile

  • Description: Captures party financial information for individuals and businesses.
  • Use Cases: Income source tracking, payment source management.


  • Description: Organizes entities into groups based on shared attributes.
  • Use Cases: Household management, customer segmentation, project teams.


  • Description: Represents parent-child relationships for entities.
  • Use Cases: Organizational structures, product categorization, geographic representation.

KYC - Know Your Customer

  • Description: Stores, validates compliance requirements and documents.
  • Use Cases: Customer onboarding, patient identification, subscriber verification.

Line of Business

  • Description: Associates parties with specific lines of business or product/service categories, aiding in customer segmentation, vendor management, and targeted marketing.
  • Use Cases: Customizing marketing strategies, vendor management, product recommendations, insurance categorization, cross-selling, targeted marketing campaigns.

Macro and Entity Roles

  • Description: Manages roles that parties play within the system, categorized into macro roles and entity roles, allowing customized views, access control, and role-based reporting.
  • Use Cases: Contract party roles, insurance claim roles, party macro roles, entity roles within hierarchy, customized views, access control, role-based reporting.


  • Description: Structures data by parsing it into individual elements when provided in a single field, improving data quality, search, and integration.
  • Use Cases: Address and contact information normalization, data validation, search optimization, integration with third-party systems, data analytics.

Party Critical Data Change Processing

  • Description: Reviews and approves changes to critical data elements before updating a party's record, ensuring data accuracy and compliance.
  • Use Cases: Identity verification, legal compliance, customer records, healthcare records, HR and employee records, audit trail.

Party Compliance

  • Description: The "Party Compliance" feature helps institutions meet regulatory requirements, defining compliance criteria, tracking target documents, validating documents, and maintaining compliance records.
  • Use Cases: Financial Institutions, Healthcare Providers, Legal and Regulatory Compliance, Supplier Compliance, Auditing and Reporting.

Party Deletion

  • Description: Permanently removes parties, child objects, and associated entities from the system, useful for terminated relationships, data cleanup, compliance, mergers, and acquisitions.
  • Use Cases: Terminated business relationships, data cleanup, compliance with data privacy regulations, mergers and acquisitions, data retention policies.

Party Demographics

  • Description: Manages custom demographic data associated with parties, including individuals and organizations, for various use cases such as employment history tracking, military service records, and personal data management.
  • Use Cases: Employment history tracking, military service records, educational background tracking, personal data management, organizational demographics, comprehensive profiling.

Party Equivalencies

  • Description: Links parties in the MDM system with their counterparts in external systems using equivalence keys, ensuring consistency and synchronization across different platforms.
  • Use Cases: Integration with CRM systems, ERP and accounting system integration, identity management for employees, data warehousing and analytics, cross-system data migration, third-party integration.

Party Householding

  • Description: "Party Householding" groups Person parties into households, with customization and algorithmic options simplifying data management.
  • Use Cases: Retail Customer Loyalty, Financial Services, Healthcare Coordination, Telecommunications.

Party Identifiers

  • Description: "Party Identifiers" stores crucial identification information like tax IDs and passport numbers for individuals and organizations.
  • Use Cases: Financial Institutions, Travel and Immigration Agencies, Government Agencies, Healthcare Providers, Retail and E-commerce.

Party Interactions

  • Description: The "Party Interactions" feature enables the capture and management of interaction details between parties and an enterprise, categorizing them by type, documenting subjects, adding notes, and mapping relationships.
  • Use Cases: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Sales and Marketing, Customer Support, Compliance and Auditing, Research and Analysis.

Party Life Events

  • Description: Manages life event information related to parties.
  • Use Cases: Customer anniversary recognition, employee work anniversaries, customer birthday offers, contract renewals, compliance deadlines, customer review reminders, inventory replenishment alerts, supplier contract expirations.

Party Location

  • Description: Manages addresses and contact methods associated with parties.
  • Key Components: Addresses, Contact Methods, Shared Addresses, Standardization and Validation.
  • Example Use Cases: Managing customer contact information, supplier contact details, employee work locations, patient records in healthcare, vendor management in retail, membership management for clubs or associations, educational institutions and student records, property management.

Party Names

  • Description: Open Cloud MDM offers comprehensive name management for individuals and organizations, supporting various naming conventions and standardization.
  • Use Cases: Customer Identification, Legal Entities, Healthcare Records, Vendor Management, Financial Services.

Party Privacy and Preferences

  • Description: Stores and manages preferences for how parties prefer to be contacted.
  • Business Objects for Preferences: Person, Organization, Party Address, Party Contact Method, Contract Role Location.
  • Example Use Cases: Marketing communication preferences, doorbell ringing preferences, email marketing opt-out, financial statement delivery preferences, GLB privacy compliance, preferred telephone numbers for solicitation, privacy policy consent management.

Party Questionnaire

  • Description: The "Party Questionnaire" feature empowers organizations to collect and analyze information from parties using structured questionnaires, offering flexibility in question types, predefined answer choices, and data analysis.
  • Use Cases: Customer Surveys, Market Research, Compliance and Screening, Employee Feedback, Healthcare Assessments, Education and Training, Product Feedback, Government and Public Surveys.

Party Product Roles

  • Description: Manages the association between parties and specific products with various roles.
  • Key Aspects: Direct Party-Product Associations, Versatile Role Definitions, Multi-Role Capability, Management of Party and/or Product.
  • Example Use Cases: Supplier-product relationship, retailer-product interactions, product analysts and quality control, manufacturer-product associations, product resellers and distributors, multi-role parties.

Party Relationships

  • Description: Parties (individuals or organizations) can establish customizable relationships, including custom types, to define associations.
  • Use Cases: Human Resources Management, Genealogy Records, Business Partner Management, Social Networking, Legal and Compliance.

Party Roles

  • Description: Assigns and manages various roles that parties can play in different contexts.
  • Key Types of Party Roles: Macro Roles, Entity Roles, Contract Party Roles, Claim Party Roles.
  • Use Cases: Customer relationship management (CRM), membership organizations, insurance claims processing, organizational hierarchy, supplier and vendor management, sales and prospecting.

Party Searches

Party Searches in Open Cloud MDM allow users to search and retrieve Master Data Management (MDM) information based on various criteria. Users can perform custom SQL searches for tailored queries or use predefined search methods optimized for common queries. Features include custom SQL searches, predefined search methods, common name exclusion search, partial criteria search, phonetic search, search by admin system key, and search by party macro role.

Party Types

  • Description: Open Cloud MDM categorizes parties into "Person" and "Organization" types for streamlined data management.
  • Use Cases: Customer Profiles, Vendor Management, Healthcare Records, Membership Organizations, Legal Entities.

Party Values

The Party Values feature in Open Cloud MDM enables the classification and storage of various values associated with a party. These values can come from external systems or be defined within the system, providing a comprehensive repository of party-related information. Key aspects include the storage of external and internal values, multiple value attributes, query and retrieval capabilities, a comprehensive view of the party, and versatile use cases.

Suspected Duplicate Processing

Suspected Duplicate Processing in Open Cloud MDM identifies and manages duplicate parties to maintain a single, accurate record for each party in the system. It works by searching for existing parties that match the input party and merging them if no critical data changes are pending. Use cases include duplicate customer identification, patient record consolidation, account holder management, loyalty program member merging, government citizen record consolidation, and insurance policyholder data accuracy.

About OCMA - Open Cloud MDM Alliance
OCMA is an innovative collaboration among a diverse array of pioneering companies and customer-focused software vendors. Their collective mission is to establish the 'Hub and Dock Open Industry Standard for Master Data Management (MDM)'.

About HubDock
HubDock, as the legal entity representing the ecosystem and maintaining the platform, is integral to OCMA. It leads the essential initiative, 'Hub and Dock Open Cloud MDM'.

This stakeholder-driven ecosystem liberates businesses from the complexities of traditional business software, offering seamless integration, data consistency, and community-driven innovation to empower companies in the digital age.

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