Party Searches
Party Searches in Open Cloud MDM provide the capability to search and retrieve MDM (Master Data Management) information based on various criteria. These searches can be customized to meet specific requirements. Users have the flexibility to either write their own SQL statements for highly tailored searches or use predefined search methods optimized for common query patterns. Here's a description of the features related to Party Searches along with some example use cases:
- Custom SQL Searches:
- Description: Users can write custom SQL statements to execute searches, allowing them to define precisely what they want to search for. This provides the highest level of flexibility but may require more technical expertise.
- Example Use Case: An advanced user needs to retrieve a specific subset of party records that meet complex criteria not covered by predefined searches. They can write a custom SQL query to extract the desired data.
- Predefined Search Methods:
- Description: Open Cloud MDM offers predefined search methods with optimized queries that closely match common search requests. These methods simplify searching for users who may not be comfortable writing SQL statements.
- Example Use Case: A user wants to quickly find all party records associated with a particular organization. They can use a predefined search method designed for this specific query pattern.
- Common Name Exclusion Search:
- Description: This feature allows users to exclude common last names when searching for Person objects. It helps filter out results that may be too generic or common.
- Example Use Case: A user is searching for specific individuals with uncommon last names within a large dataset, and they want to exclude results with common last names like "Smith" or "Johnson."
- Partial Criteria Search:
- Description: Partial Criteria Search enables various forms of searches based on partial search criteria, such as wildcard characters or look-alike characters. It's useful for fuzzy or pattern-based searches.
- Example Use Case: A user needs to find party records where the name starts with "Joh" and may have variations like "John," "Johnson," or "Johansson." Partial Criteria Search can help locate these records.
- Phonetic Search:
- Description: Phonetic Search allows party searches based on phonetic, or sounds-like, name and address search criteria. It's helpful when users want to find records based on pronunciation.
- Example Use Case: Users are looking for party records with names that sound similar to "Smith," even if they are spelled differently, like "Smyth" or "Schmidt."
- Search Party by Admin System Key:
- Description: This feature enables various forms of party searches based on full or partial administrative system key values. It allows for efficient retrieval of party data based on system-specific identifiers.
- Example Use Case: An administrator needs to quickly locate party records associated with a particular administrative system key or identifier to perform system-specific tasks or updates.
- Search by Party Macro Role:
- Description: This feature allows users to search for a party based on their party macro role, along with other search criteria. It simplifies the retrieval of parties based on their roles within the system.
- Example Use Case: A user wants to find all parties who have the role of "Customer" or "Supplier" within the MDM system, and they can use the Search by Party Macro Role feature to filter the results.
Party Searches in Open Cloud MDM provide a flexible and efficient way to locate and retrieve MDM information based on various criteria, from simple predefined searches to advanced custom SQL queries. These features cater to a wide range of use cases, from finding specific parties to performing fuzzy or phonetic searches and filtering results based on specific roles or identifiers.
About OCMA - Open Cloud MDM Alliance
OCMA is an innovative collaboration among a diverse array of pioneering companies and customer-focused software vendors. Their collective mission is to establish the 'Hub and Dock Open Industry Standard for Master Data Management (MDM)'.
About HubDock
HubDock, as the legal entity representing the ecosystem and maintaining the platform, is integral to OCMA. It leads the essential initiative, 'Hub and Dock Open Cloud MDM'.
This stakeholder-driven ecosystem liberates businesses from the complexities of traditional business software, offering seamless integration, data consistency, and community-driven innovation to empower companies in the digital age.