External Business Rules

Definition and Role:

  • External Business Rules: These are segments of business logic that, while not part of the intrinsic structure of Open Cloud MDM, are integrated into its transaction processing workflows. They are essential for handling complex operations and making informed decisions within the system.
  • Function in Transaction Processing: The External business rules component is employed by Open Cloud MDM during the execution of specific business logic within a transaction.

How It Works:

  • Data Requirements: When performing a transaction that involves external business logic, Open Cloud MDM identifies the necessary input data and anticipates the data that will be returned.
  • Conditional Actions: Based on the data returned from the execution of these external rules, Open Cloud MDM can take conditional actions. This means the system can make decisions or modify its course of action depending on the outcomes or responses derived from the external business logic.
  • Complex Processing: While simpler configuration options or validation requirements could also be considered external rules, this component is particularly focused on rules used for more complex processing and decision-making. These might involve intricate algorithms, sophisticated data analyses, or multifaceted business decisions.

Significance in MDM:

  • Enhanced Flexibility: By incorporating external business rules, Open Cloud MDM gains a higher degree of flexibility, allowing it to adapt to diverse and complex business scenarios.
  • Customizable Logic: This feature enables the system to integrate customizable logic that can vary based on specific business needs or changes in external environments, ensuring that the MDM system remains dynamic and responsive to varying requirements.

Improved Decision-Making: The ability to act conditionally based on the data returned by external business rules empowers Open Cloud MDM to make more informed and accurate decisions, enhancing the overall efficacy of data management.

About OCMA - Open Cloud MDM Alliance
OCMA is an innovative collaboration among a diverse array of pioneering companies and customer-focused software vendors. Their collective mission is to establish the 'Hub and Dock Open Industry Standard for Master Data Management (MDM)'.

About HubDock
HubDock, as the legal entity representing the ecosystem and maintaining the platform, is integral to OCMA. It leads the essential initiative, 'Hub and Dock Open Cloud MDM'.

This stakeholder-driven ecosystem liberates businesses from the complexities of traditional business software, offering seamless integration, data consistency, and community-driven innovation to empower companies in the digital age.

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