Extension Framework
Adaptable and Configurable Without Code Changes: HubDock Cloud MDM is designed for flexibility, allowing you to tailor the system to your specific needs without altering the source code.

This adaptability is achieved through a robust extension framework, which includes two primary types of extensions:
- Data Extensions (Entity Type Extensions):
- Purpose: Enables clients to add new data elements to the system.
- Functionality: Clients can add attributes to existing tables or create new tables (side-tables), integrating seamlessly with HubDock Cloud MDM's transactions and operations.
- Responsibilities:
- Parsing and creating extended business objects from XML service requests.
- Performing validation on extended business objects.
- Managing extended data within HubDock Cloud MDM's metadata.
- Persisting and retrieving extended data elements as required.
- Generating XML data upon service completion.
- Behavior Extensions:
- Purpose: Think of external rules as customizable guidelines that determine how your data should be handled. They allow you to define your own business rules and implement them independently from the core MDM system.
- Functionality: Extensions at Pre/Post Transaction and Pre/Post Action points enable additional functionalities.
- Transactions: Equivalent to published services or Controller Component operations.
- Actions: Operations on business logic components.
- Extension Controller: Acts as a gateway for behavior extensions, managing parameters and invoking relevant extension sets, which can be written in C# or a rules engine language.
- Creating New Transactions:
- Method: Utilize HubDock Cloud MDM’s application framework to build new transactions by developing new controller/business components and leveraging the existing request framework and common components.
Modular and Loosely Coupled Design: HubDock Cloud MDM's extension framework also facilitates the integration of modules like rules of visibility. This design ensures that the system remains loosely coupled, enhancing configurability and the ease of toggling features "on" or "off".
About OCMA - Open Cloud MDM Alliance
OCMA is an innovative collaboration among a diverse array of pioneering companies and customer-focused software vendors. Their collective mission is to establish the 'Hub and Dock Open Industry Standard for Master Data Management (MDM)'.
About HubDock
HubDock, as the legal entity representing the ecosystem and maintaining the platform, is integral to OCMA. It leads the essential initiative, 'Hub and Dock Open Cloud MDM'.
This stakeholder-driven ecosystem liberates businesses from the complexities of traditional business software, offering seamless integration, data consistency, and community-driven innovation to empower companies in the digital age.